MSFS Landing Inspector MSFS Landing Inspector is a tool for analyzing landings in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. It reads the airplane’s telemetry data via SimConnect and displays relevant information about your landing in a web browser. The MSFS Landing Inspector is free to use.

MSFS Landing Inspector displays the following data:

  • Current vertical G force
  • Current vertical speed
  • Touchdown G force
  • Touchdown vertical speed
  • Touchdown airspeed
  • Touchdown pitch, bank and heading
  • Touchdown wind speed and direction
  • Graph showing G forces during landing
  • Graph showing vertical speed during landing
  • Graph showing altitude above ground during landing
  • Graph showing airspeed during landing
  • Graph showing pitch, bank and heading during landing
  • Graph showing wind speed and direction during landing

1. Running MSFS Landing Inspector

  • Start a flight in Microsoft Flight Simulator. You have to start a flight first otherwise the tool may not work.
  • Launch MSFS Landing Inspector by running "MSFS Landing Inspector v1_2.exe". This should launch a Command Prompt window. Don't close this window.
  • Allow private network access in the Windows Security Alert Window.
  • Open your browser and load the site localhost:5000. This should load up the MSFS Landing Inspector in your browser.

2. Running MSFS Landing Inspector on Your Mobile Device

  • Make sure your PC and your mobile device are connected to the same local network and that your home network is set to Private in your Network Profile settings.
  • Run Command Prompt. Do this by pressing Win + R.
  • In the Command Prompt window type ipconfig and press Enter. Look for the line IPv4 Address and write down the IP address. In my case, it's You will most likely have a different IP address. Close the Command Prompt window.
  • Start a flight in Microsoft Flight Simulator
  • Launch MSFS Landing Inspector by running "MSFS Landing Inspector v1_2.exe". This should launch a Command Prompt window. Don't close this window.
  • On your mobile device, load the following site in the browser: :5000. In my case, this would be MSFS Landing Inspector should now load on your mobile device.

3. Credits MSFS Landing Inspector uses the Python SimConnect library and the CSS theme Black Dashboard by Creative Tim for the web front-end.

4. GitHub You can follow the development of this tool on GitHub. MSFS Landing Inspector is written in Python.

5. Donation If you like this tool and would like to support the development, please consider donating here.