This flight takes you from Zürich (Switzerland) through the Alps over the Gotthard Pass and after flying over the famous Lagio Maggiore Lake, you land in Lugano.

Calculated flight time with a Ju52 is 150 min., including landing twice in between and taking an little refrigerator break.

The Gotthard Pass can be crossed with 7500 feet altitude, but I recommend a thousand feet more for safety.

The download includes pictures of the route and airports for your EFB.

Recommendation: Fill the plane with passengers for a realistic weight experience.

Variation: Add 10cm of snow for a Winter Experience.

Xbox users: Simplified waypoints are included in the download as a picture. If you need to enter the plan on an Xbox manually just follow the valleys in the proximity of the GPS route.

May you enjoy your flight :)


 I create Flightplans for our group events at and for my own flying adventures.

 After a flightplan was flown by our group or by me alone, it is my pleasure to share some selected flights here on

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