Note: Consider adding Kantishna Airport (5Z5) by Emerald Scenery Design and the Alaska water height fix by Baddweapon for a richer flight. Kantishna is just north of the Wonder Lake waypoint, and is a great stop before a long climb up Mount McKinley.


Suggested airplane, weather, and liftoff time:
- Cessna 208B Grand Caravan
- High Level Clouds
- 9am local time (an hour or so after sunrise)



I host a live stream every week where we explore the National Parks together!

Before the stream, I research the park and help improve the park's Wikipedia pages. I also make a flight plan to showcase the park highlights and in case others want to fly along with me.

  • In the zip file you'll find:
  • The .pln file with named waypoints (load this from the World Map screen of MSFS 2020)
  • Relevant park map(s)
  • A screenshot of where this flight plan goes relative to the park map
  • MBTiles file(s) in case you have Foreflight or another app which supports these (this is how I overlay the flight plan and the park map when I fly around)
  • ForeFlight .fpl file which matches the .pln in case you prefer ForeFlight (consider using a tool like Flight-Events as a GPS/AHRS device)

All the best,
Jules Altis

P.s. I highly recommend pulling Wikipedia up on the side and looking at the park while you explore.


v1.4.1 - Fixes the name of Denali in a waypoint (previously called Mount McKinley, the old name)
---- The original upload was v1.4
v1.4 - Includes suggested plane, weather, and liftoff time
v1.3 - Includes ForeFlight .fpl file (matches the .pln file)
v1.2 - Includes full sized park map for easy reference
v1.1 - Waypoints in .pln are named
v1.0 - .pln, screenshot, and MBTiles