GotFriends Avitar: Man's Best Friends Jake & Elwood

I was made aware of these cats, a request from the GotGravel Discord, and I immediately knew that I wanted to take on this task.
After 13 years of loyal companionship, Steve/Choonzy had to let go of his two beloved cats, Jake and Elwood.
Both had the same white body and striped ginger tail, while Jake had orange eyebrows and mustache and Elwood just a red dot next to his nose.
Let us remember these companions and take them with us again on our journeys in MSFS

You need:

GotFriends Avitar: Man's Best Friend


Just unzip and place the "gotfriends-avitar-mbf-JakeElwood" folder in your Community folder.


Delete any old version of this addon from your Community folder and then proceed as described above.

Remember Jake & Elwood!
Kind regards,
your Al3X | Entpro__